Wednesday, August 25, 2010

0 Split Second

Split Second brings back found memories of the golden era of Burnout. It shouldn’t thought of as a clone. It’s much like Burnout, and countless other arcade racers, but its USP really is an original and ingenious idea. This is racer with weapons, but it’s not the vehicles that are armed, it’s the track.

The story, if you can call it that, goes that you play as a contestant on TV show, which takes place on a collection of sets in an area the size of the a small city. The sets have been rigged with various (mostly explosive) devices, and each car has a button that can activate the nearest device once the driver’s got enough styling from drifts, near misses, air time and so on. Some of these Power Plays simply open up temporary shortcuts, others causes shockwaves and obstructions, which the really big ones completely rearrange the layout of the course in spectacular fashion.

The advantage of arming the environment rather than the vehicles is that the effects can be so much bigger and so much more varied than your usual guns, missiles, banana skins and such. Plus it heightens that all important risk/reward factor, as you can only activate a Power Play that is in front of you, so there’s always a chance that you might get caught up in the carnage yourself.


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